Thursday, April 16, 2009

Poverty Simulation

The poverty simulation we took part in this week was an eye opening experience. Reflecting on the experience of thee moms’ in the activity from my position as a parent was truly heart wrenching.
What role does stress play in the lives of low income women?
I can only imagine that these women are in a constant state of panic. The questions I imagine they would be thinking of include: How am I going to pay the bills? Where is the food coming from? What am I going to do about transportation, a job and a place to live? What about my kids? What is this lifestyle doing to them? How can I subject my kids to this stress? Will my kids have a better life? Are my kids mad at me? How did I get in this situation? I am sure this is only a few of the things a woman in this situation worries about. This can only lead to a high level of stress. High levels of stress lead to health problems, negative effects on relationship and poor work performance. Each of these things leads to more stress. This puts these women in a destructive cycle that is hard to break out of.

How do low income women perceive themselves? Do low income women feel stigmatized?
Women in this situation might have a variety of self conceptions. Some women may feel like a victim of circumstance or societal structure. Some women may feel like they are in this situation through some fault of their own and deserve the problems they have. Regardless of the position they take the women is bound to feel ostracized by society because there is such a powerful stigma attached to poverty. Any of the social services offered to these women have stigma attached. Low income status in this country is associated with poor decision making, lack of intelligence and laziness. If a woman is in a low income household she is double stigmatized. She is penalized for being a woman and for being poor.

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