Saturday, February 7, 2009


The idea that the United States has failed to pass the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is so shocking I cannot get it out of my thoughts. Our country is supposed to be the best model of equality in the modern world. How can we claim that label when we are unable to pass the ERA? We have helped Middle Eastern countries write constitutions based on ours and have included provisions for gender equality in those documents but have continually failed to secure gender rights for the citizens of our own country.
The main arguments against the ERA seem either manipulative or completely false. One of the main arguments against the ERA is that it will destroy the family. This is an outright falsehood. How can equal treatment of gender result in the breakdown of family? If anything this should strengthen families by creating a better living environment for everyone. Another main argument against the ERA is that it will subject women to the draft. NEWS FLASH! Women are already subject to the draft but have been traditionally exempted. This is an argument that tries to manipulate people into voting against the ERA based on fear. It also brings to light another issue. Why are women being exempted from the draft? This hardly seems right and is just another example of how women are treated as children in our society. Women are just as capable and duty bound to protect this country and should not be exempt from the draft.
Steps have been taken to allow the ERA to pass without the usual red tape involved in passing an amendment after the allowed time period has passed. We must educate our citizens and make our wishes known to our public office holders and get this amendment passed. Our country claims equality for all. We must take the initiative to get this amendment passed so that this claim can be an actuality.

1 comment:

  1. Your enthusiasm over this issue isn't really something I see very much. People often treat the ERA as something archaic and unnecessary, or they are persuaded by stuff like the draft argument. I think you do a good job here of explaining your opinions, even in spite of the opposing arguments. I'm enjoying reading your posts so far!
